The word is out!
FOXed Up, Student DJ, Popsicle Stick Bridges and Other Fun at PSCS…
Excerpt from the latest Newsletter:
“…This episode is important for two reasons. First: The other school is not actually the weird school. Just like families, whether you are also an FBI dad and a forensic genius mom, two secret agent dads, two sets of co-parents, or ten sets, no family is an alternative to the norm, they just are.
And as such, independent community schools are no longer the “opposite of normal” or “alternative.” Now, schools that offer families a different path are not the shady private school counterpart, they are officially part of the modern vernacular.
Second: The word is out. Small, community oriented schools—which foster human development and self-reliance, while eschewing anxiety and dispassion—are all around us. Even on FOX!
More and more families are discovering this fact, perhaps even watching the same TV show. Unfortunately, some of these families believe they can’t afford a school like PSCS, that they are relegated to the aforementioned “set path.” And they are wrong. PSCS is not for the wealthy and having choices should not be for an elite few…”
Read the full PSCS eNewsletter here!