PSCS Community Events Info

PSCS hosts several all-community events each school year. These are open to current students and parents, past students and alum, friends, extended family, and community partners. Unless otherwise specified, these events are shaped by and with students (mostly the Club Party! class), alongside our Events Coordinator Maggie Rogers. Maggie works part time from home and comes in most Thursdays to work at the front desk and facilitate her class. She prioritizes helping empower students to envision, plan, and realize the events that excite them.

If you have ideas, needs, questions, or just want to be involved, please contact Maggie and get in on the planning email Maggie and she’ll get back to you during her (flexible) working hours.

Upcoming 2024-25 Events

PSCS Nightmare on Dearborn Street

  • Saturday, October 26 @5-8pm | Haunted House, Potluck, Costume Contest, Pumpkin Decorating, and more.
  • RSVP at  Sign Up Genius and sign up to bring a contribution (if you dare!).
  • These can be somewhat scary and may not be appropriate for your youngest family members.


PSCS 1st Annual Maker's Market

  • Friday & Saturday, December 6 & 7 (evening, time TBD)
  • This will be our first time hosting an event like this and both our current families and our community partners are invited to take part.
  • Please email Maggie Rogers and Club Party if you are interested in helping realize this new PSCS event. If you would like to have space at the Market to sell your crafts and creations, a form will be sent home soon for sign ups. Originally, Maggie and Sieglinde imagined this as an opportunity to show off our talented and skilled community members, and for the proceeds to be for the creator/seller. We have decided that folks may opt in to allocate a portion of their proceeds to fund PSCS Tuition Access and our Annual Giving goals.

PSCS Holiday Homecoming 

  • Saturday, December 14 @1-4pm
  • Our annual event for current families and friends, current and past staff, and 31 years of alum and alum families to stop by and say hello, catch up, introduce us to new tiny family members, and enjoy some holiday cheer.

PSCS Spring Music Performance Event

  • Date/Time TBA

PSCS Annual Creative Cafe

  • Saturday, April 5, 2025
  • PSCS’ main fundraising event and all student art/talent showcase. Performances, silent & live auction, Raise the Paddle for Tuition Access.

PSCS Senior Showcase 

  • Thursday, May 22, 2025 6-9pm @Wing Luke Museum
  • Student and family attendance required.

PSCS Senior Graduation Ceremonies

  • Saturday, June 14, 2025
  • Student and family attendance required.

While we try very hard to limit using student performance opportunities to fundraise, we do make mention of our goals when/where possible. We do not expect folks to give, we simply hope you’ll engage where possible.