Where We Are

PSCS exists on unceded Duwamish and Coast Salish land. Most of our forebears violently displaced, terrorized, and lied to the Indigenous people who had prospered here for thousands of years. Indigenous American people’s survival today is the testament to their true power. The violent colonization and enslavement of Indigenous, Black, and Brown people continued over the next 400 years, and continues to this day.

PSCS also exists in Seattle’s third Chinatown-International District (C-ID), which allows us so many opportunities to learn and understand Seattle's deep history of Asian-American creativity, contribution, and expansion—as well as the one hundred and fifty years of violence against Asian-American families, and the forcible removal and incarceration of 125,000 people of Japanese descent under FDR’s Executive Order 9066.

Some of the most important work we can do together at PSCS is to appreciate and educate ourselves about the history that surrounds us and the land we thrive on. We can take action in many ways and it remains the intention of our staff to consistently contribute and seek opportunities to build partnerships in the neighborhood and in the region.

We continue to add to our list of local support and volunteer opportunities and appreciate when friends and families share new ideas and additions.

Community-centered education for our collective liberation.