PSCS Strategic Planning
PSCS Strategic Plan for 2020-25 was finalized in January of 2020, just prior to the start of the Covid-19 global pandemic. While much has shifted in the wake of this massive world event, our staff continues working toward these Goals & Strategies in the sustainability of our programs.
Goal 1 - The Student Experience
In 2025, PSCS will be at the forefront of progressive education and a home for passionate and collaborative learners and educators.
In order to achieve these goals, we will…
- Build adaptive structures that support personal and academic growth for all students.
- Foster a culture of immersive learning.
- Develop and implement a compelling and well-balanced program that increases options and supports diverse graduation outcomes.
- Inspire and guide students to pursue their own learning.
- Invest in ongoing professional development and experiences for staff.
Goal 2 - The PSCS Community
In 2025, PSCS’s empathetic culture of diversity and belonging is reflected by the positive impact our students have on their present and future communities.
In order to achieve these goals, we will...
- Expand student self-advocacy, collaboration, and engagement in all aspects of the PSCS community.
- Strengthen systems to support the health and wellness of students and staff.
- Increase the diversity of the Board of Trustees.
- Foster an inclusive and relational culture where every student is actively engaged as a leader and a learner.
- Clarify frameworks for equity, conflict resolution, and communication.
Goal 3 - PSCS is the Preferred Choice for Progressive Education
In 2025, PSCS is the preferred choice for families seeking a self-driven education with structured community support.
In order to achieve these goals, we will...
- Build external and internal awareness and appreciation of PSCS’ value in progressive education.
- Cultivate thoughtful growth to a size that expands diversity while maintaining community.
- Recruit, enroll, and retain a diverse student body using traditional and innovative methods.
- Expand resources to allow people of diverse backgrounds to have equal voice, opportunities, and access to learning.