Thank you for your support of PSCS and other community organizations embodying missions and values we prioritize.

We’re ALL building something extraordinary, and we’re doing it together.

"I just have to say, this is awesome. my child's report cards in the past were not at all from a strengths-based lens. We are grateful for PSCS to really see my child and who he is. Thanks for giving him such great opportunities to grow and learn and make connections. I read the positive statements about him and it makes my heart full. I know this is such a challenging time and the thoughtfulness, flexibility and grace by all at PSCS throughout this is so appreciated."
— PSCS Parent
“The tragedy of school shootings underscores my gratitude for PSCS: First, as a community that uniquely embodies respect for all; second, as a model to the world of engaged and caring people, of all ages; and third, as my daughter's school. Not only do I trust for her physical and emotional safety, I also trust the depth and quality of the learning—on high school shootings, movies, teenage drinking, college, politics, (everything!)—that I know she will be surrounded with at PSCS.”
—PSCS Parent

"Thank you for giving me the courage and tools to develop my passions."

—PSCS Alum

"I am very grateful for all the staff, friends, and families that are a part of PSCS.

I know so many wonderful human beings because of my relationship with the school.

My life and my self would not be the same without you.”

—PSCS Volunteer

“...I’ve gone to a school where my voice has been valued, where I’ve been given the opportunity to make my own choices, and where compassion has been paramount.  A place with teachers who have actually cared about me and how I’ve been doing. A place where I’ve learned how to read.  And when I say learned how to read I don’t mean learned to read, I mean learned how to read...
—PSCS Senior Credo

"I am writing to express my thanks for your vision and labor in creating PSCS, and for the positive impact PSCS has had on my daughter. I am so pleased to report that she feels very safe at PSCS and is genuinely excited to go to school—she is also invested in being responsible and meeting the expectations of the team there...I know you all work hard to make this vision possible for the entire school. In addition, you all helped make it possible for my daughter, specifically, to be able to attend."
—PSCS Parent

Featured Profile

Thom Britton

Look closely at the present you are creating; it should look like the future you are dreaming.   Alice Walker

If Thom Britton could choose one person to have a long meal with (alive or dead), it’d be Arthur Brooks (Musician, Author, Professor, Thought Leader). Born and raised in the Midwest, but a proud Seattleite since 1994, Thom truly loves exploring the Pacific Northwest. He’s fascinated that he can get in the car and ~within the span of a few hours~ see such varied landscapes, from rainforests to coastal wetlands to mountains to tundra. Thom has worked in the healthcare industry for the past 15 years, mostly in operations and performance improvement. His joy has been working with great teams of hospital administrators and practitioners to bring ever-better care to our community. BA, WAbash College, IN; MBA, University of Washington, WA       Read More >