Community as Resistance
Early this week, Puget Sound Community School staff prepared a shifted schedule for Wednesday—in response to the realities and anxieties of the election. We knew that, regardless of the outcome, there was a possibility the race would be contested, that there may be an uptick in local violence (of which the C-ID would likely bear a brunt), and that everyone would need time to process and react, plan for safety, learn from each other, and share our worries and hopes.
Read MoreA Little Light
Last Tuesday, PSCS participated in Giving Tuesday, a curious movement created by the nonprofit sector, for nonprofits, meant as a tonic to the consumerism of Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Thanks to so many generous supporters we raised almost $14K in one day for tuition access—which is a massive benefit to us all. As the…
Read Morepscs parent night with cory silverberg
For Spring Parent Night, PSCS hosted guest speaker, Cory Silverberg, award-winning author of You Know, Sex and Sex Is a Funny Word. Both of these inclusive graphic resource books for kids are used in PSCS Sex & Health courses. Cory has developed and facilitated workshops for hundreds of agencies and organizations serving both youth and adults…
Read MoreAV CLUB
PSCS Podcast Class/AV Club have a lot going on this year! Check them out on Sound Cloud.
Read MoreAccepting Applications for middle & high school
Puget Sound Community School (PSCS) is accepting applications for our 2023-24 middle and high school cohorts.
PSCS offers rolling admissions throughout the school year.
PSCS Creative Cafe
We invite you to join us for the same live musical magic, and also to celebrate the many other ways our student’s and staff create: Digital and Visual art, Fearless English, Short Plays, Cephalopod and Sapiens exhibits, Research Presentations, and more.
Read MoreGay Parent Magazine
Every Wednesday, PSCS Affinity Groups meet for an hour in solidarity, support, and fun. Ally groups meet in solidarity, but also to further our understanding of our various privileges and biases—and practice integrating accountability with action.
Read MorePSCS Weekly Admissions Q&As are informal, online, opportunities for prospective parents/guardians and students, as well as volunteers, educators, and organizers, interested in learning more about community-centered education and collaborative leadership. RSVP for a link. Admissions Timeline
Read MorePuget Sound Community School | Nonprofit Fundraising Lead If you are you excited by the idea of progressive education, collaborative leadership, and community-centric fundraising practices, we hope to connect! Founded in 1994, Puget Sound Community School (PSCS) is a small, independent middle and high school located in the Chinatown-International District of downtown Seattle. PSCS is…
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