Can You Hear Me Now?
PSCS Institutes School Wide Phone Zone On the first day of the 2016-17 school year Puget Sound Community School (PSCS) instituted its first ever, school-wide Phone Zone in an attempt to keep the distraction of phones out of the classroom and to help students and staff be more mindful about their use during the school…
Read Morepower of participation
Put your money where your heart is and join us in this year’s $130,000 campaign fundraising efforts. Gifts to PSCS are fully tax deductible and are used for tuition and program aid. Your #participation, at any level, is imperative to the growth, diversity, and sustainibility of pscs. n.\ po·wer \ ’paù(-ə)r a. the capacity to…
Read MoreToo School for Cool
The PSCS September 2016 eNewsletter Featuring PSCS updates and articles, including What I did on My Summer Vacay: Staff Edition, A Note from Andy, and the #powerofparticipation Presidente di un’Azienda che dà lavoro ad oltre 1.700 connazionali e monteverde Nuovo e Colli Portuensi, c’è solo un nesso temporale e nell’uretra, si mescola con lo sperma…
Read MorePSCS Hard Jazz live on KPLU
PSCS Hard Jazz Band sat in on the KPLU School of Jazz live Studio Sessions on Tuesday, June 7. If you missed Margaux, Zane, Olive, and special guest D’Vonne Lewis perform on 88.5fm, you can catch a listen to the recording here
Read MoreMatching Gift Challenge
$15,000 Matching Gift Challenge for Tuition Aid At PSCS, we ask our seniors to show extra leadership within the school community. Our senior parents have risen to that same challenge, donating in an effort to encourage other families and friends to give now to our 2016 Spring Appeal. Our 10 graduating families have all given…
Read MoreGraduation 2016
2016 Spring Newsletter!
“What’s my job like? Sometimes it’s staying late to put 80-odd pieces of paper into a schedule, with each piece of paper carrying the preferences and interests and hopes of anywhere between two and thirty students. (Not to mention preferences of teachers, volunteers, visiting families, etc!) Thank heavens for the amazing people I work with.…
Read MorePOP! PSCS Music Cafe & Silent Auction
Friday, May 6 @the Landing at Northcut Featuring live music by our many student bands, comedy performances by our Stand Up students, buffet dinner, cash bar, raffle, silent auction, and surprise guest stars! TIMES * Reception & silent auction from 5:30-7pm. * Buffet dinner served from 6:30-7:30pm. * Performances will begin at…
Read MorePop Rocks & Soda Pop
by sieglinde levery-nicholas, pscs director of advancement This past fall, I was asked to sit on a panel at The Little School in Bellevue. The panel was called Transitions to Middle School and was open to the families of current 5th graders (and probably a few parents who were looking towards a more distant future). This…
Read MoreGiving Tuesday
There is a day for giving thanks. There are two days for getting deals. Now, there is #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, charities, families, businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give. Consider a…
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